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Activities for Preschoolers Instead of Stranger Danger

Child safety tips

Generations of preschoolers have grown up memorizing the phrase, “Never talk to strangers.” As a preschooler, they learn about stranger danger in books during storytime. They sing songs about tricky people, with their favorite- fun-loving characters like Elmo or Barney the Dinosaur. As a preschool teacher, it was a lesson I taught every year. But

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Hand Washing Activities for Preschoolers


Handwashing is one of the life skills that all children need to master at an early age. Fortunately for parents, preschoolers love to play in the water. For most young learners, all that’s needed is a soap dispenser, some clean water and a hand towel, and ta-dah! You have an instant fun hand-washing activity that also doubles as a personal hygiene lesson.  But for some young children, hand washing is

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