X marks the spot, and this is the spot if you are looking for letter X preschool activities. While there aren’t as many X words as there are with other letters in the English alphabet, X is still a fun letter for preschoolers to learn.

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Letter X Preschool Activities
- Teach your child how to play tic-tac-toe.
- Make X’s out of sticks, Q- tips, or popsicle sticks
- Set up a treasure hunt where X marks the spot on a treasure map.
- Let children use black construction paper and a white crayon to create their own treasure map.
- Make Xs with snack foods like blueberries, Goldfish or sandwiches – yum, yum,yum.

- Use the X template in the free worksheets at the end of this post. Give your child items and have them line the items up to make the letter X.
Letter X Sound
When it comes to letters, the sound of the letter x can be a tricky letter for preschoolers. With the exception of a few words like x-ray and xylophone, very few words start with the letter x. One of the most popular words, xylophone doesn’t even use the beginning sound /x/but the/z/ sound instead and that can be confusing to preschoolers. However, you will still want to introduce preschoolers to the /x/ sound, and for that, we’ll need to use words that have an /x/ sound out the end of them like box, mix, and ax.
Jack Hartman’s Learn the Letter X video is a great way to introduce this tricky letter to preschoolers. They will learn letter recognition, letter sounds, and letter formation
Letter X Crafts
Here are a couple of easy letter X crafts your child will enjoy:
- Trace your child’s hand and have your child rip paper for this Skeleton Bones Ripped Paper Craft for Kids( X is For X-Ray Craft ) by A Little Pinch of Perfect
- Handprint X-Ray Letter X Craft by Fun Handprint Art
- X is for Xylophone Craft by Crystaland Comp Com
Letter X Books
Here are some fun Letter X books for your preschooler to enjoy:
- What About X? An Alphabet Adventure by Anne Marie Houppert
- X is for X-Ray Fish by DK
- My X Words by Sharon Coan
- Not a Box by Antoinette Portis
Letter X Worksheets for Preschoolers
For young learners who enjoy worksheets, these free printables will be a fun learning activity.
More Letter X Preschool Activities
- 20 Letter “X” Activities for Preschoolers to Get E”x”cited About! by Teaching Expertise
- Letter X Activities for Preschoolers by The Measured Mom
- 20+ Letter X Crafts & Activities for Preschoolers to Learn the Alphabet Through Play by Kids Activities Blog
- Letter X Activities & Fun Ideas for Kids by Child Fun
You can find more ideas to use with the Letter X in Alphabet Activities for Preschoolers.
Hi! I’m Debbie Brown, and I created Tothood 101 as a place where Christian moms can find creative ways to make learning SUPER FUN for their preschoolers at home, along with faith-filled encouragement for balancing family, personal life, and their growing faith. My goal is to provide you with encouragement, practical strategies, and helpful resources so you can flourish in both your homeschooling journey and your walk with the Lord. Check out the ABOUT page to learn more.