This collection of Noah’s Ark for Kids activities includes books, craft ideas, and resources to help you share the story of Noah with your preschooler.

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Noah’s Ark for Kids
Summary of Noah’s Ark
The story of Noah’s Ark is found in Genesis chapters 6-9. The Bible tells us the Lord was very sad at how bad everyone on earth was behaving …but Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. The Lord told Noah he was going send a flood, making it rain for forty days and forty nights. He gave Noah instructions for building an ark and told him that He would send two of every kind of animal into the ark. Noah did all the Lord asked him to.
As Noah built this huge ark, his neighbors watched and laughed at him. Not only was Noah building an ark on dry land but it had never rained before. They couldn’t understand how everything could be flooded. Noah probably didn’t understand either but he trusted God with his whole heart, so if God said He was going to send rain and flood the earth, Noah believed him.
When the ark was finished Noah and his family went into the ark and then God set the animals to Noah as He said He would. Two by two the animals came into the ark – lions, hippos, sloths, giraffes, dinosaurs, bears, pigs, elephants…every kind of animal boarded the ark ( plus seven of every clean animal). When they were all inside the Lord shut the door.
Noah and his family were safe inside with all the animals and then God sent the rain. It rained for 40 days and 40 nights. But even when it stopped Noah and his family couldn’t get off. They had to wait until the water dried up. Months after the rains stopped the water started going down a little and the ark landed on a mountain.
Noah sent out birds, a raven, and a dove to see if there was any dry land. (There was still lots of water everywhere) At first, the birds didn’t find any dry land, so Noah tried again after 7 more days and this time the dove came back with an olive leaf, so Noah knew the waters were starting to dry up enough to soon get off the ark. After another seven days he sent the dove back out and this time the dove didn’t return.
Now that the waters were dried up, Noah, his family, and all the animals came off the ark onto dry land and Noah built an altar to worship the Lord.
Then the Lord put a rainbow in the sky as a symbol to show His promise to never flood the earth again. That’s why, after it rains, we can often see a rainbow.
Another Summary of Noah’s Ark
- Noah had 3 sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth. We haven’t found any journals that either of these boys have written but Answers in Genesis has a fun summary of Noah’s Ark told as if Shem had kept a journal.
Noah’s Ark Activities
Fun Noah’s Ark Activities to share with preschoolers.
Take a field trip /vacation to the Ark Encounter, and see a life-size exhibit of Noah’s Ark. This attraction is from Answers in Genesis and is located in Williamstown Kentucky.
- Math Activities
- Match toy animals up in pairs.
- Sequencing – putting events into order
- First Noah built an ark, then the animals came, then God shut the door, then God sent the rain…etc
- Themes to Use with Noah’s Ark
- There are several fun themes that can go well with your Noah’s Ark activities. Our homeschool mission was to not separate Bible from learning and not separate learning from everyday life. They can all blend together nicely.
- Ants
- Butterflies
- Ocean Activities
- Zoo Animals
- Bird Activities
- Dinosaurs
- Rainbows
- Weather
- Building and Construction
- Sink and Float Activities
- There are several fun themes that can go well with your Noah’s Ark activities. Our homeschool mission was to not separate Bible from learning and not separate learning from everyday life. They can all blend together nicely.
- Explore evaporation
- Use a paintbrush to paint with water on a chalkboard. Watch the water disappear as it evaporates. (On a hot day, a sidewalk would work, too.)
- Check out the Arky, Arky song on YouTube.
Noah’s Ark Books
I have compiled a list of a few Noah’s Ark books for preschoolers.
Noah’s Ark by Peter Spier
Except for a one-page poem, this book is all illustrations – and they are amazing! Note: This book shows Noah closing the doors but the Bible tells us God did. (Gen 6:16)
Noah’s Ark a Hidden Pictures Storybook by Teresa Bateman
This is a good introduction to the story of Noah’s Ark for preschoolers. Older preschoolers will enjoy the hidden pictures featured throughout the book.
D is for Dinosaurs by Ken and Mally Ham
Here is a biblically sound account of Noah’s Ark for older preschoolers, starting with creation AND it includes DINOSAURS on board!
Memory Verses for Noah’s Ark
Here are several verses for you to choose from to help your child memorize.
- But Noah found Grace in the eyes of the Lord. Genesis 6:9 (KJV)
- O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth! Psalm 8:9 (NKJV)
- Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Proverbs 3: 5a
More Noah’s Ark Activities
- Check out these Fun Facts About the Ark by Answers in Genesis
- These colorful Noah’s Ark Worksheets by 123 Homeschool 4 make a great addition to a Noah’s Ark theme
- Noah’s Ark Crafts for Kids by Out Upon the Waters
- 5 Noah’s Ark Craft Ideas by Inspire the Mom
Be sure to check out :
- Jonah and the Whale Activities
- Kids Books About Honesty for Preschoolers
- Favorite Preschool Songs on Spotify by Theme
Hi! I’m Debbie Brown, and I created Tothood 101 as a place where Christian moms can find creative ways to make learning SUPER FUN for their preschoolers at home, along with faith-filled encouragement for balancing family, personal life, and their growing faith. My goal is to provide you with encouragement, practical strategies, and helpful resources so you can flourish in both your homeschooling journey and your walk with the Lord. Check out the ABOUT page to learn more.